Synopsis: Set entirely in a cornfield, In McClintock’s Corn is a play about gender-non-conforming, neurodivergent geneticist Barbara McClintock and her companion/partner Harriet Creighton. It tells the story of McClintock’s revolutionary quest to understand diversity in nature and to reframe “deviance” as an expression of natural variance.

In McClintock’s Corn by Carolyn Gage will be performing from February 23 through March 12, 2023, at Powerstories Theatre.

The audition date is Monday, December 12 at 6 pm. The callback date is Wednesday, December 14 at 6 pm.

Prepare a one-minute contemporary monologue

Compensation: Non-union, actor stipend

Rehearsals are Mon-Wed evenings and Fri/Sat days, beginning Jan 20.

Actors must be available for daytime (10am-6pm) rehearsals regularly on Fridays and Saturdays beginning January 20th, as well as long days during the final week of rehearsals:
Mon, Feb 20 (Presidents Day), 10am-8pm
Tue/Wed, Feb 21/22, 2pm-10pm

Please check your Jan/Feb availability carefully before you attend auditions.

Please click the red button to complete the google form to reserve your audition.

You will be contacted with your audition time and more information by director Ami Sallee.


  • BARBARA MCCLINTOCK: Gender non-conforming female, mid-thirties (can play up or down)
  • HARRIET CREIGHTON: Gender non-conforming female, mid-thirties (can play up or down)
  • HELEN: Undergraduate woman, 18
  • DORIS: Undergraduate woman, 18
  • MARGARET: Undergraduate woman, 18
  • PHYLLIS: Young Black woman, 19
  • JIM (JAMES) WATSON: Young white man, 26
  • CARL: Young white man, Watson’s colleague, 35
  • MARTHA: Intern at Cold Spring Harbor, late 20’s
  • HANNAH: Interns at Cold Spring Harbor, late 20’s