Natalie Ekberg, a renowned Screenwriter and Playwright represented by Madeleine Cotter at WGM Literary Agency, is adept at crafting compelling characters and narratives across film, TV, and theatre.
Her upcoming murder mystery feature film, ‘SAVASANA,’ is currently in pre-production. In TV, ‘MOTHER UNKNOWN’ is actively developed with Spirit production company, and ‘The Small Print’ was shortlisted for the C21 Media Drama Competition in 2022.
As the head writer for the TV musical drama ‘Hackney Central’ produced by Uzong production company, Natalie exhibits creative leadership. ‘Espousal,’ a TV comedy-drama series, has been optioned by Wave Films, emphasizing the global appeal of her work.
In the short film domain, ‘That Girl, Peugeot,’ and ‘The Colours Within’ secured global recognition, with the former attaining a distribution deal with Gonella Productions. Additionally, her co-writing contribution to ‘Amor Martis’ highlights her versatility.
Natalie’s commissioned Nordic Noir psychological thriller for director Tim James Brown. She had a successful three-week run of her play ‘Diversifications’ at the Old Red Lion Theatre in June 2022.